A collection of projects, a.k.a. labs, showcasing my skills as a software engineer. Each lab explores new tech, APIs, and ideas. Some are small, some complex. All are made with love.
C² - Command Center
A real-time dashboard of my favorite labs in one place.
ATC Lo-fi
A collection of lo-fi music with live air traffic control audio.
Executive Orders
Tracking President Trump's Executive Orders.
Ambient Noise Maker
Ambient sounds to help you focus, relax, and sleep.
Explore live Bitcoin prices, market cap data, hourly updates, and insightful resources.
Bitcoin Distribution
Visualize Bitcoin wealth distribution across wallet addresses.
A map of current earthquakes, wildfires, and hurricanes.
A playground for experimenting with space and astronomy related APIs.
Hacker News
A Hacker News clone built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and the Hacker News API.
Good Design
Ten Principles of Good Design by Dieter Rams.
A collection of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) tools and resources.
What I'm currently reading, want to read, and have read.
A curated collections of tweets from my Twitter account.
A curation of the digital tools I use.
A collection of my favorite photos.
Leeloo: Intellectual AI
A digital provocateur blending wit, brevity, and wisdom.